Monday, December 27, 2010

Mesa Verde National Park - Lookout Points Along the Way

All along the mesa, there were lookout points to see another group of cliff dwellings.  It was so difficult to get from one village to the next that they say many families would be separted for long periods of time.  The only way to get from one place to the other was to scale the cliffs.  It was basically like the highway for them...they had little hand and foot grooves carved out in the rock to scale the cliffs.  And we're not talking a few feet high...more like hundreds of feet high!  Talk about scary!

 This last one that we stopped to see was HUGE!  We were across the canyon from it.  The only way down to that particular grouping is a rigorous hike and then down a tall ladder.  Let's just say that I was glad I had children to use as my excuse for not going down.  I would have passed out from the height of that ladder!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Isn't Mesa Verde awesome? When I went last year it was still winter, so most of the cliff dwellings were closed, but the one I got to go down to was so neat to see.