Thursday, August 4, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

Not sure how it got to be August already!  The past couple of months have seriously flown by without me realizing it at all.  It probably has something to do with the short summer break that the boys got from school.  It was only 3 weeks since they changed tracks.  Somewhere in those 3 weeks we squeezed in two trips to the movie theatre (Kung Fu Panda 2 & Cars 2), a barbeque and fireworks for the 4th of July, a sleep over at grandma's house that included bowling at Fat Cats and ice cream at Farr West, two days at Cub Scout camp, bowling again at Fat Cats for a cousins birthday, fishing at Wasatch State Park, swimming at the fitness center, playing on the slip-n-slide, and so on.

Not to mention that Ernesto's new cleaning business, Cantón Cleaning Solutions, is in full swing and he is working SO hard Monday thru Saturday.  And then there is the whole issue of Baby Henry, who is expected to arrive next week. say the's now August!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Your kids are in year-round school now? How do you like that? Upload some belly pics before the little guy arrives...and then I want to see lots of pics of baby Henry!